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Back on the Coast

Friday, April 4, 2008

Touring Baja in a Van

I think it's time for a road trip again!!!


Tracy said...

Man, this is great! I would like to have an old split-window kombi, specifically to drive to Baja. I've read some good stories about camping and running the dirt roads of Baja in a VW bus.

urban vandweller said...

Yeah, Baja - I went down in the early '80's with my Type 2 VW Kombi cargo van, which I converted into a Campervan by using some scrounged Westfalia interior (bed, back cabinet). Keep a eye out in the Northern part of Baja, there has been reports of heavy-duty car jacking/robbery, where you are way laid by three car and 6-7 guys with guns that want everything! Too bad - Baja is cool, and so close by.